The local rock is quarried from the hillside.───当地的石头都是从那片山坡开采的。
The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.───这些大石灰岩洞也用来开采水泥原料。
The area is being quarried for limestone.───这地方正在开采石灰石。
Slabs of granite, quarried relentlessly from the once volcanic heart of the island, make up the base of the wall.───花岗岩石板,被无情地从曾经是岛上火山心的地方挖出,做成围墙的底座。
Where was the marble used to create the recently opened monument to Dr. King in Washington DC quarried?───用于制造华盛顿DC最近开放的马丁路德金博士纪念碑的大理石在哪里采到的?
The driveway and retaining walls were made out of quarried granite blocks, the material characteristic for the surroundings.───车道和挡土墙由花岗岩砌成。这种材料体现出了周边环境的特点。
Shoushan Stone is quarried from Shoushan Mountain, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, hence the name.───产于福建省福州市寿山乡,故名。
It's part of a 150-million-year-old volcanic intrusion that was heavily quarried in the 1960s and is now covered in graffiti.───它是具有1亿5千万年历史的火山侵入岩浆的一部分,曾在上世纪六十年代遭到大量开采,现在到处都还留有挖凿的痕迹。
China will speed up to explore new quarried esp in the west or north part of china.───我国将加快探索新的开采,尤其在西方或北方的一部分,我国。
They quarried the land industriously.
The local rock is quarried from the hillside.
The area is being quarried for limestone.
Chalk is quarried from the surrounding area.
The large limestone caves are also quarried for cement.
Quarried blocks of marble and finished sculptures have been analysed by neutron activation and the results have been very encouraging.
The workmen quarried out a huge block of marble.
He quarried in various books for scientific basis.
The rock here is quarried for building stones.