He was hobbling [staggering] along.───他晃晃悠悠地往前走。
He thought of the hobbling wretches whom he had seen carrying cans and bottles to be filled by the barman.───他想起了他曾见过的那些跛着脚、拿着罐子和瓶子要酒保给他们倒酒的可有可无的人。
Consumers, chary of spending, are hobbling domestic demand.───德国谨慎花钱的消费者制约了国内需求。
"Regardless of if I'm out there hobbling around, I make guys better, " he said. "There are other things I can do. It's a proven fact. "───“如果除去我在场上的步履蹒跚,我还是能让队友变得更好”他说到“我还可以做到其他事情,这也是被证实过的”
A cunning strategist, Swain was decorated after every battle he fought, regularly hobbling in contemplation at the front of the assault.───一个狡猾的谋略家,通常在正面战场上一瘸一拐的踱步沉思,每一场战斗之后都受章封赏。
It also provides the rationale of her campaign. She says she wants to take a scythe to California's business-hobbling regulations.───另外,商界背景还给予了她在这场竞争中的理性诉求。
The theory in India was that the SEZs would serve as a short-term work-around to the problems hobbling the country's business environment.───印度的理论是,经济特区政策将作为一种短期手段,用于解决阻碍该国商业环境发展的问题。
But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore.───而当他昂首挺胸漫步在舞台上,几乎看不出步履艰难及传说中的可怜相。
A month later, everybody began to worry about the safety of the third young man. However, he finally showed up, hobbling along in rage.───一个月过去了,大家都开始为第三位年轻人的安危担心,他却一步一蹭,衣不蔽体地回来了。
She led the way, hobbling on arthritic knees and ankles, into her sitting-room whose windows looked down on the street.
He watched a young man hobbling up a trail, one foot torn away at the ankle.
Mr. Waddicar the caretaker was hobbling across the landing, like an old lollipop man frustrating traffic.
She was hobbling around on crutches.
Gazzer came hobbling after her: he had cramp in one of his legs.
Kevin Johnson played only 26 minutes while hobbling on a bad leg.
Then, hobbling along on his chubby legs, his belly wagging with every step, he leads Magic to his stall.
They finally divorced after 3 years' hobbling.
Or learn that he suffers from hobbling arthritis.