In any case, the commercial copies were of a higher quality than the unauthorized dubs.───无论如何,商业版比起未授权录制版拥有更高的品质。
It's quiet most days in the El Paso sector, as the border Patrol dubs this 268-mile slice of the border.───厄尔·巴索区域大多数日子都是安静的,如边境巡逻处对这个占据边境268英里的地方戏称的那样。
through pain which he dubs the most powerful aid to mnemonics.───经过痛苦之后产生,这痛苦,他运用最有力的帮助去记忆,这痛苦的预期反过来破坏了。
Apartment Therapy dubs this as the "world's most compact ladder, " but I would argue that the telescoping ladder is a bit more compact.───ApartmentTherapy声称这是世界上最紧凑的梯子,但是我认为伸缩式的梯子更为紧凑。
Dubs's theory rests mainly on tantalising hints found in ancient Chinese historiography, none of which refers specifically to Romans.───杜布斯的观点主要依据中国古籍中的只言片语,但是那些线索没有一条明确指明是罗马人。
Pepsi, which jointly markets several different brands, dubs the clout this gives it with retailers and customers "Power of One" .───联合营销不同品牌,百事称其影响力为赋予零售商和顾客“一体的力量”。
A member of the cabbage family, which Bowden dubs "vegetable royalty, " kale contains indoles, a compound found to fight cancer.───一名白菜家族的成员,鲍登杜布斯在“蔬菜版税”中说,甘蓝含有吲哚,一种战胜癌症的复合物。
Ms Nooyi wants to take this idea fur the r, with a strategy she snappily dubs "Power of Power of One" .───诺伊女士希望通过其灵活移用的“一体力量的威力”策略,深入发展这一计划。
Dubs in music heavily to cello's low and deep, the innermost feelings does not linger throughout throughout.───配乐始终不离大提琴的低沉,内心的沉重始终萦绕。
According to Kryshtanovskaya, Putinist Russian doesn't have an ideology as such - beyond what she dubs a "chauvinistic nationalism".
It is this kind of inference that Grice dubs an implicature, or more properly a conversational implicature.
There is a reference to the use of a "fish-scale formation" by soldiers in Zhizhi's army, which Dubs said described the testudo formation of overlapping shields "made only by Roman soldiers".
One of the Times' insiders not only likens the squabble to "world war three" but also dubs it "the biggest ego battle in history". So much for Julius Caesar and Mark Anthony.
What's more, Tony Boyle, much maligned after his two abortive outings against the Dubs, scored four points.
Toshiba dubs the peripheral chip package the 'Super Companion Chip' that includes audio and image interfaces supporting Cell's high data transfer capability.
The "Daily Snooze", as the Post dubs its rival, takes great pleasure in rubbishing its arch-enemy, and vice versa.