In stands dominated by trees such as aspen, however, incipient gypsy moth outbreaks are quickly suppressed by viral epidemics.───然而,在以白杨等树为主的林分,最初的舞毒蛾爆发很快就被病毒流行病所抑制。
Just like the earlier famine, this incipient one is man-made.───就像早期饥荒那样,这次也是人为原因导致的。
Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.───高管对某一行动方针的过度承诺,尤其是在过去行之有效的情况下,很可能会忽略问题初起的迹象,或在问题出现时误解这些迹象。
The emergence of these subtle indicators of incipient democracy has been a result of China's growing trade ties with the outside world.───之所以出现这些潜在的初始民主指标,是因为中国和外部世界的贸易联系越来越多。
incipient Beginning to be apparent, e. g. larval structures during development.───初期的开始明显的,举例来说幼鱼发育期间的结构。
Let me go to bed, then, ' answered the boy, shrinking from Catherine's salute; and he put his fingers to his eyes to remove incipient tears.───“那就让我上床睡觉,”那个男孩子回答,避开凯瑟琳的招呼,退缩着;又用他的手指抹掉开始流出的眼泪。
But, at long last, she reckons, "there seems to be an incipient turnaround in the phenomenon of 'missing girls' in Asia. "───但是她估计,经过漫长的等待,“亚洲女孩消失”的现象似乎已经开始得到遏制。
Many incipient crises with Soviet Union have been contained or settled without ever reaching the point of public disagreement.───对苏关系中许多危机在发生之初,还没有发展到分歧公开化的时候就受到遏制或解决了。
His first observation was that bystanders frequently intervene in incipient fights.───他观察到的头一个现象就是:暴力事件初期,旁观者往往频繁地介入其中。
John's incipient school problems were nipped in the bud.
The incipient bankrupts were almost as bad.
Some assiduously fill notebooks with writing: incipient novelists or thesis writers?
A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.
Duty and intake systems to detect incipient problems early and to provide a rapid response. 3.
Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.
The incipient spouses are of course excited by the adventure, the new life, heralded by marriage.
Costner, with his easy grin, incipient beer belly, thinning hair and bright devilish eyes, plays broken-down convincingly.
He was on full wets, grappling with incipient understeer, while the Ferraris were using their intermediates to brilliant effect.