Big, high-tech fleets ensure that everything in their path is pulled out of water.───大型、高科技的船队确保他们路途中所经过的一切都被从水里拉了出来。
U.S. fleets are among the oldest in the world," said Richard Aboulafia, an aviation analyst.───美国的舰队是世界上最古老的飞机之一。”航空业分析师理查德·阿布拉菲亚表示。
Dried cod and herring were already the staples of the European fish trade, but changes in water temperatures forced fishing fleets to work further offshore.───鳕鱼干和鲱鱼干已经是欧洲鱼类贸易的主要产品,但水温的变化迫使渔船在离岸更远的地方作业。
They said it was the first time such a large piece of hull had been recovered from the Mongol invasion fleets.───他们说这是头一次发现蒙古入侵船只如此大的一块外壳。
It looked like the Dragoon players were trying to keep their fleets of Dragoons in the game.───看起来整个对局中,龙骑士的玩家一直试图保持他们的龙骑士在奔跑状态。
The ocean used to be a free-for-all , with fleets flying the flags of various countries competing for fish thousands of miles from home.───过去,海洋渔业是一个人人可自由参加的比赛,四处都是各国国旗飘扬的船只,从家乡不远千里而来竞相捕鱼。
The next year, Lenat entered once more, only this time the rules had changed. Fleets could no longer just sit there.───第二年,Lenat再次参赛。这次规则变了,军舰不能呆着不动。
But they also have to be able to earn the money they need to invest in new aircraft, because younger fleets are more efficient.───但航空公司同样要必须能赚到它们用来投资购买新飞机所需的钱,因为飞机队越年轻就越有效率。
You're going to see government fleets buying, buses buying, not a mass movement toward electrics, definitely within the five years.───在未来五年内,我们会看到政府批量购买,公交系统批量购买,但大批民众购买电动车的情况不会出现。
Both companies have compatible fleets, generating significant savings in maintenance, fuel buying, catering and other in-flight services.
The Elf fleets cleared the northern seas of their Naggarothi kinsfolk. Trade routes lost during the Sundering were re-opened.
The two fleets pounded at each other.
Big catch: The fishing fleets at Scarborough and Whitby have broken all records despite the recession.
For years companies who have fleets of cars have used this method of payment instead of buying outright.
The two fleets were standing off from each other.
New yachts or windsurfers join our fleets every year.
Fleets of sunglasses and smiles greet us.
I have seen battle fleets in the Black Sea and the great war galleons of the Caspian.