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    He is an itinerant entertainer.───他是个江湖艺人。
    In the past itinerant merchants sold harmful products.───过去,流动的商人出售有毒的产品。
    In the same year an itinerant black preacher arrived in Los Angeles.───就在同一年,一个黑人巡回传教士抵达了洛杉矶。
    Many local families make a few thousand yuan a year from small businesses, itinerant labor or herding yaks and goats.───很多当地的家庭做小生意,外出打工或养牦牛和羊,一年只挣几千元。
    Others, however, are itinerant travellers who have decided that Guangzhou is the place to be at the moment.───但其他人则是常年在外漂泊的商人,他们觉得广州是现在值得来的地方。
    For more than a decade he took itinerant jobs, had failed relationships and dabbled in drugs.───十年过去了,他做过了不同的职业,有了失败的感情经理并且沉迷于毒品。
    I hoped that in Vegas I would find families and narratives that embraced this sense of the itinerant looking for a better life.───我希望在这里可以找到为了生活而流动的家庭和他们的故事。
    The Linguist across the seas and the oceans, A permanent Itinerant is what I ve chosen.───我这个语言学家选择了长期在海外的生活。
    Her works used to chosen into Nagoya Itinerant Exhibition. Her oil paintings have been published and recommended by the Chinese Collection.───作品曾应邀参加日本名古屋巡展,《中国收藏》专版推介油画作品。


    Sentencedict.com try its best to collect and build good sentences.
    The itinerant peddlers had packed away their beadwork and knickknacks, folded their tents or shut their booths, and departed.
    Farmers fled to work as itinerant merchants; the amount of cultivated grain land shrank from 12,350 acres to less than 5,000.
    Two years later the itinerant returned to attack Garden outright for allowing laxity and not promoting the preaching of grace.
    Lou Holtz is an itinerant minstrel, his hand out for a few more coins to sing his song at another stop.
    Varley was one of a number of itinerant lay evangelists who emerged after the 1858-9 religious revival.
    The use of itinerant magistrates gradually increased, making prosecutions more convenient.
    But times are hard, and bands of itinerant jugglers and acrobats have gone before them, picking the villages clean.
    Now it would command television crews, gangs of itinerant Press men and jolly serious ball by ball radio commentary.


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