Even though xp has evolved, this is a great book to have an inexperienced team read before journeying on their maiden xp voyage.───即使xp不断的在进化,但是这本书还是非常适合那些没有经验,从未进行过XP开发的小组人员去阅读。
We will require wisdom and resoluteness to ensure that migrating species can continue their journeying a while longer.───我们需要智慧和决心,以确保迁徙的物种能够在更长时间里继续它们的旅程。
Wherever these grow there is a sense of people journeying.───凡是长着这些花的地方, 都能觉得有人在旅行...
9 And on the next day as they were journeying and drawing near to the city, Peter went up on the housetop to pray around the sixth hour.───徒十9第二天,他们行路将近那城的时候,约在正午,彼得上房顶去祷告。
It was now deep dusk in the forest, and deepest in that part of it where these two were journeying.───这时,森林中暮色已深,而在他俩行走之处,则更是阴暗无比。
But there's one truth in life I've found While journeying East and West, The only folks we really wound Are those we love the best.───但我发现生活中的一条真理放之四海而皆准我们真正伤害到的人都是我们最深爱的人。
Here in Juyuan, it was the sound of mourners wishing safe passage for the souls of the deceased journeying to their next life.───现在在聚源镇,这鞭炮声是哀悼者祝逝去的鬼魂赶赴来生一路走好的祈愿。
In the nonphysical, winged lions remain, and many have come to touch upon our nonphysical species in their inner plane journeying.───从非物质上说,剩余的有翼狮子保留了下来,许多在其内在层面的旅程之中与我们的非物质物种取得了接触。
When we think of exploring, we often imagine journeying to faraway lands, the bottom of the ocean or even space.───当我们想起探险,就总会联想到要远赴天涯海角,甚至是太空异域。
After a year of journeying throughout the galaxy, Quinlan had made scores of enemies.
Travellers journeying into the town no longer look out on an industrial wasteland the ramshackle legacy of Darlington's past.
I was following my dream, journeying with the sun.
So I began consciously journeying towards becoming a writer.
After a month of journeying over rough roads, the drivers and their trucks were looking the worse for wear.
Rabbi Johanan said:...One day he was journeying on the road and he saw a man planting a carob tree.
Think of his dinner, would journeying laugh.
And Abram journeyed onward , journeying toward the Negev.
But face-to-face meetings require arduous journeying.