Many foreign countries also have laws for their national anthems.───许多国家也有关于国歌的法律。
the national anthems of both sides.───国歌。
A few early bells sounded from below and the birds sang their morning anthems.───响起了几声清晨的钟声,鸟儿们唱起了晨歌。
The national flags of both countries fluttered in the wind. The sound of salute and national anthems of the two countries echoed in the air.───两国国旗迎风飘扬,响亮的礼炮和两国国歌久久回响。
The old flags and anthems were banned under Tito, but out of sight did not mean out of mind.───旧王国的的国旗和国歌在铁托统治时期被禁止使用,但是眼不见不一定心为净(outofsightdidnotmeanoutofmind)。
Such measures will not provide the lyrics to revolutionary anthems, but they are going to be better than going after the wealthy.───这些措施不会成为革命歌曲的歌词,但是总比追着富人要来得强。
So I can only imagine how hypnotizing those songs and anthems can be live at the Scala del Calcio.───因此我只能想象置身于现场时这些加油歌和赞美诗将是多么地令人心驰神往。
As the U. S. and Iraqi national anthems played and Iraqi troops looked on, he and the Iraqi president walked along a red carpet.───伴随着美国和伊拉克国歌的奏响,在伊拉克军队的注目下,布什和塔拉巴尼奏响红地毯。
The novel has become one of the 20th century's most famous arguments, if not anthems, against the compulsions of state and society.───这本书一经出版,立马成为了20世纪最受争议的书籍,说是反对国家和社会对个人压迫的国歌也不为过。
The national anthems of the teams are played at the beginning of a big international football match.
More and more countries compete, as nations fragment: the bands at Atlanta need the music for 197 national anthems.
They usually play the national anthems of the teams at the beginning of a big match.
Composers are also commissioned to write anthems and settings of the Eucharist for the regular round of worship.
Then the barricaded rebels of the Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement greet the dawn with militant anthems and defiant chants.
She too held her head high as they announced the fight and played the national anthems.
It is a milieu of distant anthems and religious iconography.
Played the national anthems of the Republic of Greece, or Hellenic Republic flag.
With a new emphasis on the importance of the Word, the trend has been away from hymns, anthems and settings.