Anne had two men trying to win her affections.───安妮有两个男人追求。
Caroline is the object of his affections.───卡罗琳是他感情的归属。
He was undeserving of her affections.───他不配得到她的爱。
Daniel has a unique place in my affections, as I do with him, and that will never change.───丹尼尔在我的感情世界有独特的位置,我对他而言也一样,这永远都不会改变。
His affections for her beauty blinded him to her faults.───他对她美貌的爱慕之情使他对她的过错视而不见。
This type of money is hard to come by and can be very fickle in its affections.───这种钱是来之不易的,并因为情感而非常易变。
He decides to meet Susan's boyfriend for a showdown over his affections for her.───他决定见见苏珊的男朋友,跟他摊牌自己对苏珊的感情。
But I should not like to see another such performance of "All's Well" or any other play that is equally rooted in my deeper affections.───但是对于《终成眷属》或其他让我同样深深热爱的戏剧,我真是不想再次看到这样的演出。
He dallied with her affections for a bit, but quickly moved on when she showed signs of wanting a more permanent relationship.───他有点玩弄她的感情,当她要求保持更稳定的关系时,他赶快溜走。
He just toys with her affections.
The officer transferred his affections to the other girl.
Jack has displaced Jim in Heller's affections.
The distant object of his affections is Caroline.
She had a prior claim on his affections.
Don't trifle with the girl's affections.
He was undeserving of her affections.
Our affections are our life-- We live by them; they supply our warmth.
As times alter, men's affections change.