The narrative frequently flashes forward to Elis dying on the battlefield.───这篇叙事小说频繁回顾艾丽斯在战场上死亡的情景。
Socrates is talking to Hippias of Elis, a travelling "sophist" who sets up as a professional "wise man", taking money for lessons in private and public rhetoric, and managing public business himself.───苏格拉底正在和埃里斯的希比阿聊天。 希比阿是云游四方的“智术大师”,将自己称为职业的“智者”,主讲修辞术,收费授课,还亲自负责公众事务。
Ancient Greece King Elis to choose a civil and military complete in both emperor's son-in-law for own daughter, proposed that the election must compete the combat tank with.───古希腊伊利斯国王为了给自己的女儿挑选一个文武双全的驸马,提出应选者必须和自己比赛战车。
Many perished trying to escape from Zacharo, a village in the Elis district in south-western Greece, as it was engulfed by flames.───位于希腊西南部Elis区的村庄Zacharo被大火包围,大批民众被迫逃离家园。
A plain called Olympia, in the small city-state of Elis was the site of the original Greek games.───在小城邦艾丽斯的奥林匹亚平原,就是古代希腊运动会的场地。
b. The Frankish ruler of the Peloponnesos was the Prince of Achaea, with his capital at Andravida in Elis.───伯罗奔尼撒的法兰克统治者是亚该亚大公,首都在埃利斯的安德拉费达城。
One of the majestic labors was to clean the stables of the King of Elis, in the impossibly brief period of one day.───其中一项任务是,在短短的一天之内清洁好艾丽斯国王的马厩,这几乎是不可能的事。
Macquarie ELIs provide experienced share investors a short-term investment whose value is linked to the performance of their chosen share.───麦格理ELIs为富经验的股票投资者提供一种短期的投资工具,其价值与所选股票的表现相连。
Laney Elis, 7, walks through the mud-covered room of their flood-damaged house in Cedar Rapids, Iowa on July 5, 2008.
A plain called Olympia, in the small city-state of Elis was the site of the original Greek games.