He recognizes enough notation to be able to follow a score.───他认识足够多的音乐符号,能看懂乐谱。
Musical notation was conceived for the C major scale and each line and space represents a note in this scale.───乐谱为C大音阶而构思,在这个音阶中的每一个线和间都代表一个音符。
He believes that as far back as 30,000 B.C., hunters may have used a system of notation, engraved on bone and stone, to mark phases of the Moon.───他认为,远在公元前30,000年以前,猎人可能会用一套刻在骨头和石头上的符号系统来标记月相。
Hungarian notation is often viewed as useful programming practice, one that is not implemented without some effort.───匈牙利命名法通常被看作是一种有效的然而却难以掌握的编程实践。
There is something of a fracas about the relationship between BPMN and BPDM: is BPMN 'only' a notation or does it have some semantics.───关于BPMN和BPDM的关系有些争论:BPMN‘仅仅’是一个符号,或者它确实有某种语义?
To that end, it would be best if the semantic mathematical notation system were one already used by scientists around the world.───为了实现该目的,如果全世界的科学家都已使用语义数学表示法体系,那么这是最好的。
A typical argument in modern mathematics is often quite intricate, requiring many different steps, ingredients, and notation.───当代数学的论证过程往往错综复杂,需要用上很多不同的步骤、成分和符号。
Another practical weakness, which is often promoted as an advantage, is the framework's lack of a standard notation.───另一个实用方面的缺点,通常被认为是优点,是框架缺少标准的符号。
Before you can practice any rhythms , you've got to pick up on a bit of musical notation. It's simple and really helpful.───在你能练习任何的旋律之前,你必须恢复(从新捡起)一些音乐的符号。这是很简单的,也确实是有帮助。
Music has a special system of notation.