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    In the fissures of rock.───在岩石的裂缝。
    This gas is hydrogen sulfide, rises up and mixes with oxygen in the underground water that sits in the cracks and fissures in the limestone.───这种气体是硫化氢,上升后与石灰岩裂缝中地下水的氧气混合。
    The fissures have been dubbed tiger stripes.───这些裂缝有个绰号,叫虎纹。
    Iraq that has attracted the support of at least two Republicans threatens to expose fissures within the GOP over the unpopular war.───伊拉克这已引起了至少两名共和党议员的支持,威胁揭露裂隙共和党内较不受欢迎的战争。
    When fissuring is present, pain is often produced by movement of the parts, which opens or deepens the fissures or forms new ones.───已有裂隙的情况下,活动该部位会产生疼痛,也可使裂隙加深或形成新的裂隙。
    An ideal den must be deep underground, where the earth is warm, but accessible from the surface via burrows or natural fissures.───理想的巢穴必须深入土壤很温暖的地下,但可以通过地洞或自然裂缝从地面进入。
    The building ground belings to Karst area with various and a large number of caves, and with developed bedrock fissures.───该工程地处岩溶地区,基岩裂隙极为发育且溶洞表现形式多样,伴随大量土洞出现。
    The moment high pressure of magma intrusion caused brittle fracture of the surroundings mud rocks, and tension and compression fissures .───岩浆侵入活动大大改变了其周围泥岩的储集性能,对油气聚集具有重要意义。
    In the early stage of the disease, there are only a few vessel fissures with irregular dilation and clustering obese( epithelioid )cells.───其早期病变非常局限,只有少数不规则扩张的血管裂隙和聚集肥胖(上皮样)细胞;


    The helium would seep up through fissures, and hence its natural occurrence near the hot springs.
    At the Teaching Rock, the fissures allow us to hear the stream running in the darkness beneath our feet.
    Even within Anglican evangelicalism fissures appeared.
    Fault scarps and fissures scar the seafloor.
    The sediments filling caves or fissures in limestone are frequently repositories for fossil teeth.
    In the field opposite are fissures in the underlying limestone, entrances to long subterranean passages.
    At Dunadd the carvers made use of fissures in the rock itself as their base line.
    Eruptions can occur through either fissures or vents, again depending on magma type.
    By 1959, fissures had emerged between Malcolm and Elijah Muhammad.


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