Such attitudes are valueless unless they reflect inner cognition and certainty.───这种态度如果不能反映内心的认知和确定性就毫无价值。
Perception is important in social cognition too.───感知在社会认知中也很重要。
We've been talking about animal cognition—the study of animal intelligence.───我们一直在讨论动物认知——对动物智力的研究。
Evidential study went through from the perspective of typology to that of cognition, epistemic modality, narratology and pragmatics.───言据性研究经历了从拓扑学角度到认知、认知情态、叙事学和语用学等角度的历程。
That when you crank up the microscope on human cognition, you see that there's a subtle difference in meaning between them.───当你搬出显微镜对准在人类认知上,你会看到很多微妙的差别存在于它们的意思里。
And minuteness being able to see object changes , initiates thereby a thinking, carry out analytical cognition on it's phenomenon.───能看到事物的细微变化,从而引发思考,并对其现象进行分析认知。
As the subject of cognition, the interpreter is an active creator of the meaning instead of a passive recipient of it.───作为认知主体,译者不是意义的被动接受者,而是意义的主动创造者。
The researchers are trying to improve the cognition of Long-Term and Late Effects, and then make a guide for follow-up care.───研究者正致力于改善对长期和迟发效应的认识,由此制定出随访护理指南。
The cognition frequency of the single item is often unbalanced in the ambiguity structure.───歧义结构单义项的认知理解频率往往是不平衡的。
Double rhythms, resounding through the lyric depiction and connecting with each other , indicate the thespian place of mankind and the cognition of the writer to this thespian place.