novel achieves a perfection of form that is quite new.───小说的形式新颖完美。
Since our only stability is change, America seems not to honor the quiet work that achieves social interdependence and stability.───由于我们唯一的稳定是变化,美国似乎不尊重那些实现社会相互依赖和稳定的默默无闻工作。
She achieves a sweet success.───她尝到了成功的甜美滋味。
Detailed simulation and with relative protocol show that this protocol achieves good efficiency and scalability.───根据仿真结果以及与相关协议的对比,证明了此协议的有效性和可扩展性。
Results show that this key management scheme achieves a nice tradeoff between the network security, connectivity and overheads.───结果证明本方案在网络安全性、连通性以及节点负载方面达到了一种较好的平衡。
Yet the question of how the enzyme achieves such a high degree of discrimination between matched and mismatched NTPs remained unanswered.───酶是利用怎样一种机制精确区分匹配和错误匹配的NTP的?至今仍没有答案。
The experiment results suggest that this method solves the drawback of preprocessing in a large extent and achieves high recognition rate.───实验结果显示,该算法很好地解决了预处理算法的缺陷,并且获得了非常高的识别率。
But if it achieves even half of what it sets out to, it will amount to a revolution in rural Colombia.───假如新得努力能完成先前设定目标的一半,这在农业的哥伦比亚就意味着革命。
The method is characterized in that the method for surface shot blasting achieves the show of the surface defects of the blades.───采用表面喷丸的方法实现对叶片表面缺陷的显现。
The effect achieves what we players call reverse swing.
If this achieves nothing else at least it helps shift the burden of guilt.
The novel achieves a perfection of form that is quite new.
Opposite An archer fish achieves a direct hit.
Delegation achieves this at minimal cost.
At best, this organization achieves a grudging, superficial conformity to officially sanctioned patterns of thought and action.
This book achieves a sensible coverage of topics which should satisfy the majority of its audience.
Often this effort achieves its end as baroque comedy.
However, the farm worker rarely achieves what is necessary to bring himself before the attention of the public.