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    In fact, both casts have their own loveliness.───事实上,这两种角色都有自己的可爱之处。
    Don't you see that death gives loveliness to life?───难道您们看不出死亡使生命显得可爱吗?
    She is a rose of loveliness.───她是位可爱的美人。
    A girl comes out to meet you. To you she is the embodiment of loveliness; to another all that grace and beauty may look drab and homely.───你生命中出现了一个女孩,也许对你而言,这个女孩简直就是魅力的化身,但她对别人而言,那美丽和优雅也许就成了单调和平常。
    But while Audrey Hepburn's loveliness may have gotten her noticed, it was her talent that made her a legend, as well as her heart.───但如果说奥黛丽·赫本的可爱使她受到瞩目的话,那么是她的才华和心灵使得她成为传奇。
    has . . . not [your time] been given you to be spent in beautifying the minds of your children, and cultivating loveliness of character?───母亲们哪,所赐给你们的时间,岂不是要你们用以美化你们儿女们的心意,并培养可爱的品格吗?
    The name of its capital, Ashgabat, is derived from Persian as well, loosely translating as "the city of loveliness" .───的名称及其首都阿什哈巴德举行,来自波斯,以及,把松散的“城市魅力”。
    Alas, the town had lost its animation completely in such a day, and turned into a place without any loveliness.───唉,城市在这样的日子里完全丧失了生气,变得没有一点可爱之处了。
    You do not love yourself. But in his eyes loveliness is so complete and flawless that he does see in it an image of his Father.───你并不爱自己,但在他的眼中,你的可爱是如此完美无瑕,他才能从中看到天父的肖像。


    You are a vision of loveliness.
    In that dream he saw a vision of loveliness: himself as Foreign Secretary.
    And that vision of loveliness over there is my wife, Sandra.
    You came down the aisle, a smile, aof loveliness.
    She was a vision of loveliness in her wedding dress.
    She was a vision of loveliness.
    The loveliness of the scene was beyond compare.
    She is really not only beauty, loveliness, and winningness, to my thinking, but also cleanness, concinnity , and holiness just as I shown the flowers are.
    Loveliness we've lost; these empty days without your smile.


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