This is also true with all the heretics.───一切外道,亦复如此。
Navarre and his "rabblement of heretics" will be dealt with.───纳瓦拉和他的“异端骚乱”将得到处理。
The next day they were accused heretics.───第二天他们被控诉为异端。
But a critic of this line of reasoning can rightly raise the fact that the Ebionites were rejected as heretics by mainstream Christianity.───但依次推理的评论家可以理所当然地提出伊便尼派是被主流基督教作为异端所拒绝的这个事实。
hence with us and heretics the very words ought not to be in common, lest we seem to countenance their error.───故此,我们和异端所使用的文字不应该一致,免得我们像是在支持他们的错误。
"The heretics were persecuted . . . because their beliefs threatened the vested interest of that day" (James Harvey Robinson).───“异教徒受到迫害…因为他们的信仰威胁到了当时既定的利益”(詹姆斯·哈维·罗伯逊)。
Ahmadis, regarded by many as heretics for believing Muhammad was not the last prophet, are not their only victims.───艾哈迈迪亚教徒不是仅有的牺牲者,许多人认为他们信仰穆罕默德并非是最后的预言者。
They were deemed heretics by the main church, and Pope Innocent III urged both the King of France and the Count of Toulouse to take action.───他们被视为异端,由主教堂,教皇英诺森三世国王同时敦促法国和图卢兹伯爵采取行动。
The Templars were terminated as heretics, never again to hold the power that they had held for so long.───圣殿骑士们因为被说成是异教徒而被判处死刑,失去了他们长期以来所拥有的权利。
Heretics were burned at the stake.
The main verses that these heretics misuse are Psalm 82:6, John 10:34 - 36 , and I John 3:2.
Heretics were burnt at the stake .
The heretics are not all eco-warriors and anarchists.
Saint Theresa and Saint Jerome would be heretics.
The two heretics were burned at the stake.
They were deemed heretics by the main church, and Pope Innocent III urged both the King of France and the Count of Toulouse to take action.
Parents who objected were torn apart as heretics.
More than anyone else, this great king would work to erase from history all traces of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun, and the other "heretics" of the Amarna period.