This law has been abrogated.───这项法令今已取消。
In the meeting, he abolished or abrogated some laws.───会议中,他废止或废除了一些法律。
This custom was abrogated years ago.───这一惯例多年前业已废除。
Non- national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated. Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council .───非国家法定计量单位应当废除。废除的办法由国务院制定。
In an in vivo tumor model, direct MSC inoculation into subcutaneous melanomas induced apoptosis and abrogated tumor growth.───在活体肿瘤模型中,直接接种MSC到皮肤黑色素瘤中诱导细胞凋亡和抑制肿瘤的生长。
Only Fiji, among Pacific Island nations, has seen its constitution abrogated, its judiciary dismissed and its army assume control.───在太平洋诸国中,只有斐济其宪法被废除,司法系统内的所有法官被撤销,国家政权由军队接管。
In the nineteenth century, Britain re-interpreted the classical decoration, and abrogated the pronoun of mechanical rational aesthetics.───十九世纪的英国重新诠释了古典装饰、扬弃机械理性美学的代名词。
Part of switch K showed in the chart is fitted for the places time lighting, switch K can be abrogated.───图中开关K,适用于正常照明,需随时开关的场合,如果用于长期连续照明,取消开关即可。
We have abrogated the unequal treaties imposed upon China by Western powers and all the privileges of imperialism in the country.───我们废除了西方列强强加的不平等条约和帝国主义在中国的一切特权。
Moreoer, intracoronary administration of BMC abrogated left ventricular end - systolic volume expansion after the infarction.
The president abrogated an old law.
The rule has been abrogated by mutual consent.
The normal privilege against self-incrimination is abrogated by the terms of section 31 in such proceedings.
Non-national legal units of measurements shall be abrogated . Measures for the abrogation shall be stipulated by the State Council.
This basic right can not be abrogated by the decision of the parents, the doctor or the State.
This custom was abrogated years ago.
The treaty was abrogated in 1929.
Largely as a result of these influential criticisms, the law was altered so that the requirement of intent was abrogated.