Idioms are one of the hardest parts of learning a language.───学习一门语言时,习语是最难掌握的模块之一。
Our language is filled with idioms which may make no sense to you if you haven't learned them.───我们的语言充满习语,如果没有学过,你不会明白它们是什么意思。
Sometimes you can't take some Chinese idioms literally because they have deeper meanings.───有时你不能从字面上理解一些汉语成语,因为它们有更深的含义。
Accumulation of pronunciation of language, multi-tone words, phonetic word, easy to read typo, idioms, writing material, a lot!───语文积累字音,多音字,形声字,易读错字,熟语,写作素材,一大堆!
None of that worked! It all became way too computationally expensive, plus the languages kept changing, and the idioms and all that.───这些都不是很管用,计算上的花销太高了,加上语言也是在不断变化之中的。
Of course, if you can offer easier or more powerful idioms without compromising the interaction for intermediate users, that is often best.───当然了,如果你设计的产品在不影响中间用户交互使用的情况下还能考虑到即容易且强大的习惯用法,那么肯定是再好不过了。
He said he was not sure about grammar and idioms.───他说他对语法和惯用语没有把握。
One of the common idioms used to help avoid this problem in . NET-based code is the Dispose pattern.───在基于.NET的代码中,一个有助于避免这种问题的常见术语是Dispose模式。
Chapter six analyzes the matter in which era according to fonts, text cases, idioms, names of persons and divination matters.───第六章根据何组卜辞的字体、署辞、成语、人名、地名、占卜事项等来分析其所处的时代。
He has a great number of English idioms at his command.
Idioms usually cannot be translated literally in another language.
Idioms usually cannot be translated literally into another language.
Proverbs and idioms may become worn with over-use.
It's hard to understand the colloquial idioms of a foreign language.
The article is ladled in some idioms.
The English language has many idioms.
He has a great number of English idioms at command.
Every language has its own idioms.