Some scenes were filmed in slow motion.───几组镜头被拍成了慢动作。
Are there any nude scenes in the movie?───里有裸体镜头吗?
There have been some ugly scenes.───出现了一些丑恶的场面。
A. It's really cool because she comes up here every once in a while for her favourite scenes.───很酷的是每次拍到她喜欢的场面时她就会来。
The scenes of him banging the lady's head on the floor mid-passion were neither romantic nor erotic.───高潮之际,他抓住女方的头往地板上撞,既不浪漫也非色情。
Right now most of these matters are handled behind the scenes, state-to-state, like the issue of the filtering software.───现在大多数问题,像过滤软件的问题一样,是在幕后操作,在国与国之间处理。
This trip left me with a lasting impression of the natural and cultural scenes so stereotypical of Switzerland.───今次最令我留下深刻印象的,就是典型的瑞士自然风景及传统景观。
Moved to touch the hearts of every part of this nerve, the scenes flash of light, life-like eyes flashed.───心底的这份感动触及每处神经,人生中的一幕幕电光石火般的闪现眼前。
But we have picked out a few of the scenes that, if you're lucky enough to witness them, will invariably leave you spellbound.───但我们已经挑选出了几个场景,如果你足够有幸见证它们,会让你流连忘返如痴如醉。
Panic seized me when I saw the scenes.
Not a few violent scenes were cut from the film before it came to show.
The terrible scenes were indelibly imprinted on his mind.
The movie contains scenes of violence and bloodletting.
He has designed all the scenes and costumes.
This story encapsulates scenes from his childhood.
The comic scenes in the play were overdone.
The film contains some violent scenes.
Familiar scenes were imaged on the screen.