Lower oil and commodity prices ought to benefit China and India, by lowering import bills and assuaging worries about inflation.───低廉的石油和(大宗)商品对中国和印度有利,可以使其减少进口负担并缓解通胀压力。
Finally, the value of subprime and Alt-A mortgage bonds has soared in secondary markets this year, assuaging investor anger.───最后,次级和中间级(ALT - A)按揭债券的价值今年来在二级市场上飙升,一定程度上平息了投资者的怒气。
It is not just about assuaging your conscience.───这不仅是有关平息你的良心。
As a result, both leaders found themselves trying to look strong domestically while assuaging audiences overseas.───双方领导人都试图在国内表现出强硬的姿态,同时对外又采取安抚姿态缓和形势。
In the short term, it must be enough to free the ECB to intervene without limit, by assuaging fears of moral hazard.───短期内,通过平息人们对道德风险的担忧,以使欧洲中央银行可以进行无限干预就已足够。
When a company loses money, people demand that heads roll, even if the changes are more about assuaging shareholders than sound management.───当公司亏损时,人们会要求解雇管理者,即使这种解雇的作用更多的只是安抚股东而非改善管理。
Even in his own circumstances, the writer was focused entirely on assuaging the fears and unease of his family in Connecticut.───甚至在说到自己的情况时,作者也把焦点全部放在了缓和康乃狄格州家人的害怕与不安上。
This first-contact mission is about returning you to full consciousness, not assuaging a pampered and hubristic few!───这个第一次接触任务将把你们带回全意识,不是稍稍的平息娇生惯养和傲慢!!
Lower oil and commodity prices ought to benefit China and India, by lowering import bills and assuaging worries about inflation.───石油和商品价格下降可以降低进口成本,减少人们对通货膨胀的担忧,这本来会使中国和印度受益。
The announcement seemed aimed at assuaging demands by organized labor for more protection against imports while also tamping down labor's expectations of a combative new stance toward China.
Pepsi also stood by its full-year earnings forecast, assuaging some fears that it would take a more negative view on the impact of a stronger dollar on overseas sales.
His presence alone would be assuaging to her.