The logical treatment is to remove this blockage.───合理的处理方法是清除这种堵塞物。
The key to his success is his logical mind.───他成功的关键在于他的逻辑思维。
There was a logical explanation.───存在一个合理的解释。
Staying out of the sun altogether may seem like the only logical answer.───看来似乎让所有人远离太阳才是唯一的逻辑回答。
It is an easy-to-use tool allowing you to work both with logical and physical data models in the form of an entity-relationship diagram.───这是一个易于使用的工具,让您的工作既符合逻辑和物理数据模型的形式是实体关系图。
Use the SET statement to alter existing fields in the logical tree or to create them in circumstances where they do not already exist.───使用SET语句来更改逻辑树中现有的字段或者在这些字段不存在的情况下创建它们。
The positions don't seem to be in a logical progression (for job hoppers).───逻辑上看,职位似乎并未晋升(尤其对于经常跳槽的人来说)。
It may not seem logical, but the cozy indoors is often worse for your allergies than the raw outdoors.───这听起来似乎不合乎逻辑,但舒适的室内对于你过敏症状的影响往往比室外更糟糕。
It is always easy to be logical. It is almost impossible to be logical to the bitter end.───合乎逻辑往往很简单,然,坚守逻辑到痛苦的终点却几乎不可能。
You should be more logical.
The paragraphs are not in a logical order.
Students need the ability to construct a logical argument.
Each of them having their own room was the logical solution.
She arrived at this conclusion by logical deduction.
I'm sure there's a logical explanation for all this.
It's a logical site for a new supermarket[sentencedict.com], with the housing development nearby.
It all sounds quite logical.
The questions should be asked in a logical sequence .