You need to have specialist teachers who impart what they know.───你需要有专业的老师来传授他们所知道的知识。
Forcing a child to behave morally may prevent her from internalizing the lesson you're trying to impart. ───强迫孩子按道德行事可能会妨碍她将你试图传授的教训内化。
The ability to impart knowledge and command respect is the essential qualification for teachers.───传授知识并博得尊敬的能力对老师们来说是基本的条件。
Ustane, by the way, was also blindfolded, I do not know why, unless it was from fear lest she should impart the secrets of the route to us.───顺便提一句,不知道为什么尤斯坦也被蒙上了眼睛,大概是怕她会把秘密路线泄露给我们吧。
He had a real feeling for literature, and he could impart his own passion with an admirable fluency.───他对文字具有真正的爱好,能够痛快淋漓细致入微地把自己的感情表达出来。
More than anything, Rogers wanted to impart a sense of wonder and tranquility, to provide a bit of solace from our hectic, everyday lives.───罗杰更希望传递一种美好而平静的感觉,并以此舒缓我们在日常生活中的浮躁情绪。
It is not easy to impart knowledge any more than to acquire knowledge.───传授知识与获得知识同样不容易。
An example would be a teacher trying to impart statistical knowledge to his students in a classroom setting.───例如说一个老师在教室里给学生传授统计学的知识。
However, re-unification of the Korean peninsula could impart some positive benefits as well, at least in the longer-term, Ubhi adds.───不过,乌比补充说,半岛的统一也会带来一些益处,至少长远说来如此。