We shall never yield to a conqueror.───我们绝不会向征服者屈服。
Conqueror bosses prey on employees' weaknesses.───征服者狩猎员工的弱点。
No problem is too hard for the conqueror.───征服者没有难题。
His bulk, his easy pace and the solid sound of his boots had something of the conqueror in them.───他那魁梧的体态、潇洒的步伐,以及皮靴践踏的橐橐声,都使他显得象个征服者。
"He who supplies a conqueror has conquered, " said the Mawlawi Sahib, quoting a verse from the Qur'an, his eyes still fixed at the floor.───“那支持征服者的也必征服。”马拉维·萨伊布引用了《古兰经》里的一句话,他的眼睛始终盯着地板。
Genghis Khan "s outstanding way of thinking and his leadership in both strategy and tactics has made him a conqueror of the world. "───成吉思汗在客观条件下,坚持朴素唯物主义,在战略战术方面发挥出自己的指导才能,成为了世界征服者。
The Parthian , breaking away from his alliance with us, laid hold of Armenia, and the eyes of its conqueror were no longer upon it.───帕提亚人弃绝了与我们的盟约,亚美尼亚——其征服者的巨眼已不再注视着此国——被帕提亚人占据了。
He father claims to be able to trace the family back many centuries, to the time of the Conqueror.───他父亲声称他的家族系谱可追溯到好几个世纪以前的诺曼底入侵时代。
When Joy sang his voice soared upward as the lark's, and his step was the step of a conqueror who has never known defeat.───他的歌声像百灵鸟的歌声一般翱翔云上,他的脚步是一个从来不知道失败的得胜者的脚步。