All too often breaches are caused by simple blunders, such as failing to separate systems containing sensitive data from those that do not need access to them.───很多情况下,破坏是由简单的失误造成的,比如未能将包含敏感数据的系统与不需要访问这些数据的系统分离开来。
As this year's crop of internet-security breaches shows, virtual pastures are just as prone to it as the grassy sort.───正如今年的互联网安全漏洞的数量所显示,虚拟牧场和草类牧场一样容易受其影响。
A decade of data breaches of personal information has led to a situation where scammers can easily learn your mother 's name, and far more.───长达十年的个人信息数据泄露导致骗子很容易地知道你母亲的名字,甚至其他更多信息。
These gangs are behind some of the biggest data breaches that companies have owned up to (see chart).───这些黑客才是各公司所承认的一些大规模数据泄露事件的幕后黑手(如图表所示)。
Near a seal colony in South Africa, a great white shark breaches, leaping for a decoy being pulled across the surface.───靠近南非的一个海豹群落的海域里,一个白色的大鲨鱼跳出水面,跳跃是为了作为拖过海面的一种诱饵。
If not openly, will be counted as breaches of discipline, we must pursue the matter and the responsibility of the unit leadership.───如果没有公开,一律算作违规违纪,要追究当事人和单位领导的责任。
One of the problems was an increase in notifications for mercury, with swordfish and shark being vulnerable to breaches in the legal limit.───其中一个问题在于汞通报数量的增加——旗鱼和鲨鱼的汞含量都很容易突破法定上限。
Indeed, full transparency is often associated with breaches to established rights such as privacy, confidentiality, security and safety.───其实,每每提到完全透明人们往往想起这是对既有权利——隐私、机密、安全——的侵犯。
But while these sort of breaches are never fun to report on, it reinforces the importance of a secure password for your online accounts.───尽管这种类型的入侵报道起来让人并不轻松,但是它更加说明了加强你在线账户密码安全的重要性。
Breaches of restrictions on court reporting, for example, which carry fines of up to £2,000, are not triable by jury.
Are other remedies available when one party breaches a contract?
He bewailed the breaches of discipline.
Section 146 distinguishes between remediable and irremediable breaches of covenant.
This practice breaches the arms convention.
In serious breaches of these codes, the professional can be struck off the professional register. 5.
The proposal breaches article 10 of the European Convention, which guarantees free speech.
Such breaches of parliamentary procedure carry a £500 fine.
The Security Commission investigates breaches of security .