fat hens───肥母鸡
They'd come on a direct flight from Athens.───他们是从雅典乘坐直达航班来的。
From the hill we looked out over the rooftops of Athens.───我们从山上眺望雅典建筑的顶部。
Athens had strong ties to the Arab world.───雅典与阿拉伯世界有着紧密的联系。
The Athens of Socrates and Plato, in the 5th and 4th centuries BC, is often seen as home to a first golden age of conversation.───公元前5世界到4世界之间,苏格拉底和柏拉图时代的雅典,经常被看作是交谈的首个黄金时代。这种观点的产生,主要是因为柏拉图的作品。
22Paul then stood up in the meeting of the Areopagus and said: "Men of Athens! I see that in every way you are very religious. "───保罗站在亚略巴古当中,说,众位雅典人哪,我看你们凡事很敬畏鬼神。
Wilson Hall is one of the oldest campuses on Athens, and rumors speculate that it was built on an ancient burial ground.───威胜堂则是设立在雅典城最古老的学院之一,传闻这里以前曾是一个坟场。
A few years later, he fell out of favor, was ostracized by his countrymen, and was banished from Athens.───但是几年后,第米斯托克利却失宠了,甚至被希腊人从雅典驱除出境,流放国外。
Ancient lands with thousands of years of history stretching from Athens, Greece all the way around the Med to Cairo, Egypt.───拥有数千年历史的古老土地,从希腊的雅典延伸到埃及开罗。
Athens has no benchmark bond maturing in September and is in no immediate danger of bankruptcy even if it did not get the aid this month.───希腊9月并没有指标债到期,即使本月没有得到援助,也不会有立即破产的威胁。
Those were the halcyon days of Athens ( fifth century BC ) when she produced her finest poetry and drama, architecture and sculpture.